Wednesday, May 23, 2012


I really like it here in FL!  I was initially petrified of embarking on this journey mostly by myself.  Not knowing anyone in FL.  Arriving with a car load of essentials (reminds me of a friend, Jen Harris, that did something similar.....she is an inspiration).  I am still living out of my car for another couple of days until I sign my lease on the rental house that I found.  It is a cute little property outside of Orlando.  It will meet my needs for now. 

I am settling in at work.  I find it invigorating to set things up ideally as I would have them.  My ideal may be less than perfect, but at least I can influence some change right now.  I report directly to the VP.  This is exciting and terrifying.  Exciting because I have moved up the food chain....terrifying because it comes with additional responsibility.  Delicate balance!

People are VERY interested in my personal situation.  I have photos of children and John on my wall.  I get verying reactions to my narrative to them.  Some excited, some repulsed.  I am generally interested in these reactions, mostly so I know who I am trust.  I know that may be an unfair judgement, but for now I am in survival mode.  I do not need more negativity in my life.  I have PLENTY to go around. 

I contacted the Bishop of the local Mormon congregation that I am geographically a part of.  I will start attending there.  Bring John if he is interested.  I need to connect with this congregation for my children when they are here visiting, and to be an active voice of inclusion.  I am nervous about it, but know this is what I have committed myself to do.  I know that I will be met with more negativity, but I am preparing myself for it.  I am not meaning to judge people based on their beliefs, rather I am trying to set myself up for reality when the congregation is aware of my situation.  I hope someone surprises me by being inclusive.

My support continues to be my children, John, Gigi and few other friends and family that continue to reach out to me.  Thank you all for your kindness and love!

I did travel to KC over the weekend, but that will be an entry on its own.

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